Are You Trying To Raise Money For An Organization Or Team?
Certified Auto Body would like to invite you and your organization or team to participate in our customer fundraiser referral program. It is as easy as your group leader (coach, pastor, director, etc.) filling out the form below and submitting it to get the program started.
Once in play, any referral from your group that requires collision or hail damage repairs qualifies your group for a check equal to 3% of our final bill.* The qualifying check will be mailed upon completion of the repairs and made payable to the group you have specified.
School sports teams, recreational youth sports, recreational adult sports, dance studios, gymnastics, cheerleading, church groups, church building funds, you name it!
There is no cost or risk of signing up. It’s as simple as filling out the form below. Once we receive your completed form we will contact you to verify your information. Then we’ll create and mail enough professionally designed handouts to help you to promote your fundraising program. We will even produce a church bulletin ad if you require!
Your group doesn’t have to sell anything, bake anything, wash anything… just hand out your customized flyers at games, grocery stores, neighborhoods, etc. and let Certified Auto Body write the check.
*Excluding Sales Tax.